ALMA Network (former TLN Mobility Network)
The management of the ALMA Network has been migrated to the European Commission and ESFA. This website will no longer be updated.

The management of the ALMA Network has been migrated to the European Commission and ESFA. This website will no longer be updated. Please refer to the website of ESFA.
TLN-Mobility is renamed to "ALMA Network"
At the TLN-Mobility network meeting on 28 September 2022 it was decided to rename the network to "ALMA Network", to formally integrate it into the ALMA Initiative of the European Commission.
Launch of the EU-wide mobility initiative "ALMA"
President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen announced a new European mobility programme for young adults not in employment, education or training, called ALMA ("Aim, Learn, Master, Achieve"). The programme is based on a proposal developed by the ALMA Network (former TLN Mobility).
We support the launch of ALMA and stand ready to assist anyone interested in the programme with our knowledge and experience. We also welcome any interested member state or region to join our network and participate in our regular exchanges. Read more
A Learning Network on Transnational Mobility Measures for Disadvantaged Youth and Young Adults
The ALMA Network is a partnership between several EU Member States and regions in Europe who have joined the ALMA Initiative launched by the European Commission, to tackle youth unemployment through transnational mobility. The partners recognise the positive impact that work stays abroad have on the prospects for young disadvantaged people to enter training or employment.
The network was founded in 2014 by 11 member states and regions under the name "TLN-Mobility" to promote the concept of transnational mobility programmes for disadvantaged youth. After the idea was taken over by the European Commission, who launched the ALMA Initiative, the network was integrated into the ALMA structure and was renamed to ALMA Network.