
Here you can find the various services offered by the ESF in Germany.


teaser publications

Here, we have com­piled a wide range of print me­dia deal­ing with the ESF, which you can ei­ther or­der or down­load di­rect­ly in PDF for­mat.


teaser videos

Our video col­lec­tion pro­vides you with an overview of the var­i­ous ar­eas of ac­tiv­i­ty of the ESF.


teaser contact

Please con­tact the Eu­ro­pean So­cial Fund in Ger­many us­ing our Con­tact form.

ESF Points of con­tact

teaser points of contact

Here you find the ger­man ESF con­tact points of the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment and of the fed­er­al states.


teaser press

Click here to get to the press sec­tion of the ESF.