Promoting entrepreneurial expertise

The programme aims to support SMEs and members of the liberal professions in increasing their entrepreneurial expertise so that they can meet the many challenges of economic trends and the changes caused by demographic, digital and ecological transformation.

Grants towards offsetting the costs of consultancy measures are provided with the goal of increasing entrepreneurial competence, thereby increasing the prospects for success, performance and competitiveness, and the employment capacity and adaptability of SMEs.

Promoting entrepreneurial expertise is the follow-up to the programme of the same name in the 2014-2020 ESF programming period.

Profile of the programme

Target group
  • Start-up entrepreneurs
  • Enterprises
  • Self-employed
Implementation period

2023.01.01 - 2026.12.31

  • Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action
Funding priority

1: Promotion of sustainable and quality work, start-ups and entrepreneurship as well as adaptation to change

Additional Information

web­page of pro­gramme


Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz

Referat VII B 2

Villemombler Strasse  76
53123 Bonn